Offered at the Paris campus, the Master of Science in Business Law from ESAM, the Grande Ecole of Management, Finance and Law, prepares you to join corporate legal departments, consulting firms and business lawyers.
4th year: Bac +3 Validated
5th year: Bac +4/5 Validated
ESAM competition
2 years
Apprenticeship contract,
Professionalization contract
October (4th and 5th year)
Offered on the Paris and campus, the Master of Science in Business Law from ESAM, the Grande Ecole of Management, Finance and Law, prepares you to join corporate legal departments, consulting firms and business lawyers.
Certified title Business lawyer registered with the RNCP at level 7 (former level I) - code 15367, NSF code 128g, by decree of 08/12/2017, published in the Official Journal of 21/12/2017, code CPF 248676. Title also accessible by the Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE).
The control of financial, technical, human and regulatory risks related to the development of commercial activities of companies is a major challenge. This need pushes organizations to strengthen the role of legal departments within their organization.
In a context of internationalization and digitization of business activities, legal de-partments are becoming true partners for general management.
For two years, you will benefit from training recognized by professionals allowing you to combine:
A complete program that will allow you, on leaving the Master of Science, to launch your career in Legal Departments, Consulting Firms and Business Lawyers.
Prerequisites: BAC +3 validated (180 ECTS credits)
Admission Parallels: possible in 2nd year of Master of Science with a validated BAC +4 (240 ECTS credits)
Fall intake: MSc 1st and MSc 2nd year
Training accessible only on a work-study basis: Apprenticeship contract or profes-sionalization contract
Rhythm of alternation: 2 weeks in business / 1 week in school
The evaluation of the different modules of the MSc Business Lawyer consists of a plurality of diversified assessments, distributed regularly over all the weeks of the semester and for all the courses, the objective of which is to reinforce the formative dimension of the assess-ments and to give feedback on the assessments an important role in student progress.
The MSc Business Lawyer validates the Level 7 title "Business Lawyer" registered in the National Register of Professional Certification (RNCP).
An RNCP title is issued by the Ministry of Labor: it is therefore recognized by the State throughout France and Europe (ECTS credits).
** Class of 2019
*Study carried out on the last 5 promotions.
The MBA RCC is a work-study training course at the BAC +6 level, allowing you to prepare for the job of Compliance Lawyer.
The M&A MBA is a work-study training program at the BAC +6 level, allowing you to prepare for the Merger-Acquisition profession, such as the profession of Compliance Lawyer, for example.