Esam holds the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020.
The Erasmus + program for higher education, co-financed by the European Union, contributes to the creation of a European higher education area.
The program therefore promotes mobility initiatives in Europe and abroad for students (periods of study or internship), teaching staff, as weel as all ESAM staff.
The erasmus + program also facilitates cooperation actions through strategic partnerships, knowledge alliances or capacity building projects (etc.) between ESAM and its partner establishments also holders of the Erasmus + Charter.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
For incoming students on exchange programmes, Erasmus+ or study abroad please contact:
For any outgoing students please contact:
For outgoing students on Erasmus+ programmes only:
For nearly 40 years, the Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) has invested in education and training (initial training, work-study training, continuing education) to promote excellence, employability, entrepreneurship, active citizenship and education/education cooperation. business.
The Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) has 9 business skill sectors: Human Resources Management and Development / Management Management, Finance, Entrepreneurship / Trade, Distribution, Marketing, Services / Journalism, Communication, Production / International Management / Humanity, Management and Decision Making / Real Estate / IT / Health industry management.
The Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) and its schools and training centers are getting closer to partners who offer professional courses, centers of excellence similar to those listed above.
For several decades, the Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) has been developing and participating in partner networks (European Management Academy, ESA, BUSINET, EAIE, EFMD, NAFSA). These networks make it possible to identify potential partners with whom the Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) is likely to carry out projects to create programs (common European academic semester taught in English, exchanges of students and learners, administrative and teaching staff). These networks also enable monitoring of European priorities and topical issues, gender parity, sustainable development, early school leaving, recognition and enhancement of ECVET professional skills based on formal, informal and non-formal learning, etc.
Apart from the Erasmus system, the Institution is involved in specific programs: Franco-German Office for Youth tri-national project France –Germany-Russia-, regional programs for apprentices, collective educational and professional mobility in little-visited regions of the world, active citizenship programs.
The lines of research for new partners more specifically concern countries that are poorly represented in the Group's existing networks, the lowest levels of qualification among the audiences concerned by the training programs offered, partners involved in European and international programs different from those already practiced for a better transfer of skills.
Within the framework of academic partners, cooperation actions are directed towards institutions:
And for connections with professional circles, the initiatives are geared towards organizations willing to commit to cooperation in the broad sense with the education sector.
For all these projects all categories of personnel are concerned and all levels of students as well.
For short cycles and insofar as these audiences are all on a work-study program (employee status under a professional training contract or an apprenticeship contract), internship mobility is possible for a minority when companies are stakeholders in this type of project. One of the priorities is to mobilize companies for the professional mobility of work-study students.
As for geographies, none of them are excluded (except for security reasons). The meaning and nature of the collaboration take precedence above all.
The objectives of all these mobility activities are:
The mission of ESAM, The School of Advanced Management and Finance, is to train managers, entrepreneurs, business decision-makers of international stature and capable of understanding increasingly complex organizations in a globalized environment.
The international roots of ESAM, which offers diplomas certified by the State at level I (Bac + 5), is an essential component of the school's development strategy.
All ESAM students have the opportunity to spend up to 27 months abroad between academic semesters with university partners and internships in companies. A minimum of 15 months abroad on the whole course is required.
The geographical areas are determined according to the foreign languages studied and taught at ESAM. 3 languages are compulsory including English and Mandarin. Partnerships are also undertaken with regard to market developments and student wishes.
ESAM orients its academic partnership agreements according to criteria of academic excellence and “business” specialization centers according to the professional orientations of the school.
In addition, ESAM has been able to develop over the years a network of companies abroad likely to welcome our students within the framework of professional internships. At least one 6-month internship must be completed outside our borders by students during their studies.
ESAM has thus set up several cooperation projects with companies, allowing its students to cultivate a more global and relevant vision of professional circles. For ESAM, holding the Erasmus + Charter will lead to the initiation of new projects with European partner companies.
The deployment of ESAM's development actions internationally concerns all countries, both developed and emerging, on all continents, the objective of which is to set up centers of expertise, bicultural paths, double degrees and various international cooperation projects with different institutions.
ESAM currently benefits from a network of more than a hundred partner universities around the world and more than forty in Europe. ESAM wishes to consolidate its current network and expand it in Africa, Asia and South America with specialized institutions in the following areas:
which constitute ESAM's areas of expertise.
For the past 3 years, ESAM has allowed its 1st year students to complete a three-month study session at its Dublin Campus. 100% of lessons are in English. The purpose of this first experience is to enable them to prepare for an expatriation, to experience interculturality, to improve their level of English, and to get to know each other better.
30% of 2 nd year lessons (semester 3) are taught in English followed by semester 4 of academic studies with a university partner or an internship in France or abroad.
The 3rd year is 100% international: all courses are offered in English in semester 5 at the school. Semester 6 is structured around a 6-month internship abroad or the Intercultural Management Semester (Pacific – Asia route / 100% of modules in English).
For the 4th and 5th years , 30% of the courses are in English (100% for the International management specialty) during semesters 7 and 9. Semesters 8 and 10 lead students to choose between the academic study session, Intercultural management internship or semester.
Students benefit from Erasmus funding for their academic stays and/or internships abroad.
From the second year of study. Stay of 3 to 12 months in an establishment holding the Erasmus charter and with which we have signed an Erasmus exchange agreement. These are indicated by the Erasmus logo in the destination sheets on the IGS International website.
You must complete a minimum of 30 ECTS credits during your semester.
You will find all information concerning the dates, reception conditions, course catalog for incoming mobility students in the descriptive pages of the partner universities on the IGS International website.
Internship of 2 months minimum from date to date, 12 months maximum in the countries of the European Economic Area and in Turkey.
Please note: ESAM signs an annual contract with the national agency which covers the period from June 1 to September 30 of the following year. For example, if your internship straddles two contracting periods, only one of the periods can be used. If you have an internship from July 1 to December 30, you will either apply for funding from July 1 to September 30 or you will apply for it from October 1 to December 30.
Internships in organizations financed by the European Union and in the national representations of the country of your origin abroad are excluded; however you can do it in the service of an Embassy of another country.
In the event that the number of scholarship applications exceeds the scholarships allocated by the Erasmus+ programme, either for a given destination or globally, the following rule is applied:
In accordance with the instructions of the Executive Agency, the amount of the Erasmus grant will depend on the cost of living of the country in which the student will carry out his mobility from France, and will be paid in the form of a monthly lump sum, payable in two instalments: 80% before departure (at the latest on the day of your arrival*) and 20% upon submission of the final report and the attendance certificate.
* subject to having provided all the documents necessary for your mobility
Destination countries are divided into 3 groups:
Band | Country of destination | Study mobility | Internship mobility |
Group 1 | Austria, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, and United Kengdom | 200€ | 350€ |
Group 2 | Germany, Belgium, Cyprus, Croatia, Spain, Greece, Iceland, Luxembroug, Netherlands, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Turkey | 150€ | 300€ |
Group 3 | Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia. | 150€ | 300€ |
Complete the documents of the study kit, mobility contract and study contract to be drawn up before departure, any exceptional modifications to the mobility program or additions of educational components in the event of extension of the mobility of the study contract must be recorded on the ad hoc document endorsed by ESAM and your host university. You will have to take a language level test before your departure and on your return on a website which will send you solicitations on these dates and complete a standardized final report on another site which will also solicit you. At the end of your stay, you must return the certificate of attendance to us.
Complete the documents of the internship kit, mobility contract and mobility program to be established before departure, any exceptional modifications to the mobility program or addition of educational components in the event of extension of the mobility of the study contract must be recorded and approved on the ad hoc document by ESAM and your host company or organisation. You will have to take a language level test before your departure and on your return on a website which will send you solicitations on these dates and complete a standardized final report on another site which will also solicit you. At the end of your stay, you must return the certificate of attendance to us.
You are going for a semester, you must register for 30 ECTS credits or the equivalent of 30 ECTS if the partner institution does not operate according to the ECTS system.
If the institution does not operate according to the ECTS system, the number of local credits corresponding to 30 ECTS to which you must register is indicated in the letter of commitment that we ask you to sign before your departure and your registration in the courses.
Internships abroad will be validated for the credits allocated by the school and your program for the internship period concerned.
The credits for your internship or for your studies will be allocated to you upon your reintegration if the conditions provided for their allocation are met: successful completion of courses at the partner institution or internship report to the standards required by your program and certificate of attendance in good standing. due form.
Digital note |
Letter grade |
Average out of 4 |
Validated module | 20 | A | 4 |
20 | A | 4 | |
19.15 | A- | 3.67 | |
17.48 | B+ | 3.33 | |
15 | B | 3 | |
14.15 | B- | 2.67 | |
12.48 | C+ | 2.33 | |
10 | C | 2 | |
Module not validated | 9.15 | C- | 1.67 |
7.48 | D+ | 1.33 | |
5.8 | D | 1 | |
4.15 | D- | 0.67 | |
0 | E | 0 | |
A, A- : Very well B+, B, B- : Good C+, C : Medium C-, D+, D, D- : Insufficient work. A catch-up test is organised. E : Means Fail. There is no possibility of recovery. |
The Erasmus agreement may be terminated in the event of non-performance by the participant of his obligations arising from this agreement, and independently of the consequences provided for by the law applicable to him; the agreement may then be terminated or dissolved by operation of law by the establishment, without the need to carry out any other legal formality, after a formal notice notified to the parties by registered letter not followed by execution within a period of 'a month.
If the participant terminates the agreement before the end of his contractual period, or if he fails to fulfill his obligations, he must reimburse the amount of the scholarship already received.
If the termination is due to a case of force majeure, for example, an unforeseeable exceptional situation or an event beyond the beneficiary's control and which cannot be attributed to an error or negligence on his part, the beneficiary may receive the amount of the scholarship corresponding to the effective duration of the mobility period, as defined in article 2.2. All other funding will have to be repaid.
Staff members can apply for Erasmus+ funding within the limits of funds available for teaching or training mobility.
From 2 days to 2 months, minimum of 8 hours of teaching as part of training mobility of less than a week, 8 hours per week beyond.
La demande des membres du personnel souhaitant bénéficier d’une contractualisation Erasmus pour une mobilité de formation ou d’enseignement est évaluée en fonction des critères suivants : date de la demande et pertinence par rapport aux objectifs de développement de l’école.
In accordance with the instructions of the Executive Agency, the daily amounts of expenses are established as follows:
Host country | Daily amount in Euros |
Denmark, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom | 112€ |
Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, France, Italy, Cyprus, Luxembroug, Hungary, Austria, Poland, Romania, Finland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey | 98€ |
Germany, Spain, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia | 84€ |
Estonia, Croatia, Lithuania, Slovenia | 70€ |
Until the 14th day of the activity: the daily amount per participant corresponds to the amounts indicated above From the 15th to the 60th day of the activity: 70% of the daily amounts per participant indicated above.
Travel costs are calculated according to the distance which must be evaluated with the following tool: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/about_en
A request for additional funds may be requested from the ERASMUS France Education Formation agency no later than one month before departure for any person whose physical or mental state of health requires separate financial support.
The National Agency will only take into account additional costs that cannot be covered by other sources of funding. Costs for specific needs will be covered on the basis of the actual costs estimated by the establishment after an analysis of the needs with the participant.
This funding scheme applies to both students and staff members on the move.
Selected beneficiaries with a visible or non-visible disability must contact the internship department in order to consider obtaining a specific ERASMUS+ grant.
NB: Constitutes a disability, within the meaning of the law of February 11, 2005, "any limitation of activity or restriction of participation in life in society undergone in his environment by a person due to a substantial, lasting or definitive alteration of 'one or more physical, sensory, mental, cognitive or psychic functions, of a multiple disability or disabling health disorder'.
All students in the Groupe IGENSIA Education (formerly Groupe IGS) benefit from language courses, the main first foreign language is English. For English, students benefit from an independent assessment at the start of their program, at the middle of their program and at the end of their program. Other languages taught are German, Spanish, Russian, and Chinese. All students take the TOEIC evaluation at the end of their program.
Students benefit from both faculty led classes and online learning platforms: Tell Me More, Gymglish. We are currently testing English Discoveries Online.
Outbound exchange and Erasmus students are systematically evaluated in English through an institutional testing program for the TOEFL. Weaker students will be only allowed to study at institutions that have support programs in place for incoming students.
Students who elect to study in partner institutions where the courses are not taught in English will be assessed by the relevant language professor to establish if they will be able to follow courses in the teaching language of the institution.
Inbound exchange and Erasmus students following course in English are expected to have a TOEFL score of 80 (IbT) or 550 (ITP) or 6.0 IELTS or a level of B2 if following courses in French.
Staff and faculty are actively encouraged to acquire new language skills or maintain existing ones if their activity does not allow for it through the group's employee training program which is established each year.
Incoming exchange faculty typically are requested to teach in English and are assisted by bilingual personnel if the need arises.